Why following your dream is rewarding?


Why is following your dream rewarding?

I am blessed in that I am living my dream. It wasn’t easy though. To be honest, I was forced into it. A few months ago I was retrenched from work and my confidence was low – rock bottom to be precise. I had to believe in myself when everyone around me was pitying my circumstances. Everyone was telling me it’s ok that I was retrenched. It’s ok to be a failure. We all go through that. It made me feel angry, and that anger is what got me out of bed in the first place.

I channelled that intense emotion into my work and slowly, but surely, I started doing what I love. I started writing every day and helping people along their journey. I was absolutely loving it. Then I started making money from what I love. More money than I was making in the corporate game. I started LOVING MONDAYS! Doesn’t that sound strange? I started loving Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s… because I wasn’t living for someone else, I was living for me.

I also had the privilege of going back to my old work a few days ago, and unfortunately a new round of retrenchments is expected. I walked into the office a massive smile plastered on my face, and what I saw in other people’s expression was hope. They saw that I was able to turn a tough circumstance into a positive one and they felt hopeful that they could do the same. And for me, that is the most rewarding thing of following your dream. You have the ability to help someone else BELIEVE in themselves, by being the example and believing in yourself first.

Is it going to be easy?

Oh no. HELL NO! It won’t be easy. It will be gruelling, tough, excruciating and even at times painful. You are going to have people laugh in your face, push you down and wipe dust on your face. You are going to have to believe in yourself when no one else is willing to. You are going to have to get out of bed when every muscle in your body is begging you to sleep. You are going to have to walk alone, stand alone and fight alone. But, one thing I can also tell you, is that once you reach the top and see the view… my word, it will be worth it. Worth every second of the pain. Worth every second of the heartache. Worth every second you spent working towards your dream.

Your dream is not only for you… it can help millions of other people. It is time to take action



How to motivate others

“Inspiration is a transfer of enthusiasm”

What is inspiration?

For me, inspirational people are those who do not just talk but they act in accordance to their dreams. They are the ones that do not just say that want to change the world, but put every piece of their energy into realising that dream. Now, doing what you love is different for each person. It is not to say that if you don’t change the world, you are not an inspiration. If your passion is to be the best parent in the world or to work with underprivileged kids, that’s AWESOME. As long as what you are chasing is what makes you happy, that is inspirational. Inspirational people follow their dreams, whatever they may be, with grit and undying determination. Is that you?

How can we inspire others with our story?

Most people don’t believe that they have anything to share. That their story is average and boring and no one could ever learn from them. That is furthest from the truth!!! No matter who you are, or where you are, you have the potential to touch someone’s life in a profound way. For example, if you are a parent, you are able to inspire others who want to become parents. You can teach others who are starting their parenting journey. Just because you haven’t survived a shark attack or climbed Mount Everest, it doesn’t mean that your story doesn’t mean something. You have greatness within you and your story has the potential to touch someone’s life.

Tips to inspire people through speech

  1. Tell stories, stories are the way in which we learnt to communicate and share knowledge thousands of years ago. It worked then, it still works now.
  2. Personalise, sharing your personal story allows people to live through your lesson. They can feel your feelings and enjoy your adventure, which allows them to experience it as well. You can touch people through your authentic story.
  3. Make a point, ensure the story you tell is aligned to your greater message, otherwise you may confuse people.
  4. Preparation, practise and practise and practise. You can never be too good at speaking to not practise.

And remember, this is your story and you have value. Go to the world and share your story J