3 ways to conquer inadequacy


Inadequacy is a feeling that stems from us feeling less than someone else. Therefore, inadequacy feeds off our habitual tendencies to compare ourselves to others. If you were the only person on the planet, you would be incapable of feeling inadequate, because there would be no one to compare yourself to.

And, especially with the rise in social media, where people constantly post heightened versions of their lives, it’s easy for many of us to compare our normal day-to-day lives to theirs and feel inadequate.

The solution… simply put, is to CONNECT. When we can realise that we are more similar than we are different, we will no longer allow inadequacy to feed into our lives. We will see that even though we might not have everything, we have enough to be content.

In this week’s video post, I’ll share with you the 3 ways to conquer inadequacy:

#1. Practice acceptance

#2. Stop habits of judging others

#3. Do everything with passion and love


Much love,


For more information, please go to www.laurensboel.com

How to be happy EVERYDAY

How to be happy EVERYDAY

It’s not easy to be happy every day, but it is possible. And it comes when we can have a healthy relationship with ACCEPTANCE.

Acceptance has a negative connotation, especially with my peers. Most people see acceptance as giving up, as settling, and that’s not at all what I’m suggesting here. I’m a big believer in chasing dreams and setting new, ambitious goals – I’m the last person who wants to settle for anything less than greatness. BUT we need to create a healthy balanced relationship with acceptance if we ever want to feel truly and sustainably happy.

Reality is known as the hard truth, it is unavoidable. If we are constantly fighting reality (i.e. wanting things to be better than they are now), then we are constantly in battle with something that won’t easily (or quickly at least) be changed. Therefore, we spend our lives fighting an unwinnable opponent only to reach the end of our lives feeling that sense of dissatisfaction.

My recommendation is to focus on enjoying the journey, while striving towards becoming the greatest version of yourself. It’s not about giving up on your dream, it’s about enjoying the journey, loving where you are now and knowing that you are exactly where you need to be in order to get to where you are destined to be.

Reality can be an enemy or a companion, the choice is yours. So go out and live with acceptance, patience and love.

Much love,


For more information, please go to www.laurensboel.com

How to KICK fears ASS


How to KICK fear’s ASS

Fear is something that everyone experiences. It’s one of the deadly killers and kills more dreams than failure ever will. Our ability to fight fear will be the determining factor between our success and failure.

I know fear very well. Fear is a close enemy of mine that regularly rears its ugly head. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 2 years now and I can tell you that fear is constantly on me. The fear of failure. The fear of rejection. The fear of the unknown. The fear of success. It’s a constant battle between my faith and my fears and we need to become resilient to fighting fear if we want to live our dreams.

Below is a framework that I use whenever I face a fear and its served me well so far. I hope you find the same value.


K – Knowledge

Once you have gotten the knowledge, fear has less of a grip on you. With knowledge and competence you can build confidence, which is fear’s worst enemy.

C – Coach

A coach should be someone who is living the life you want to live, which means he knows the path you have taken and can guide and support you where needed. You can ride on your coach’s confidence and they can fight the fear alongside you.

A – Action

Inaction feeds fear, actions beats it. There is a saying, if you hear a voice in your head that says you cannot paint, then by all means, paint and that voice will be silenced.

S – Support

The journey of fighting fear is a tough journey and can be lonely (especially since most people choice to surrender in silence to fear). Make sure you’re surrounded by people who are supportive, positive and have your best interest at heart.

S – System

Success leaves clues. There are millions of systems that have been proven to work, you just need to find one that gets you where you want to go and replicate it.


FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. So the next time that fear rears its tentacles, remember you just need to KCASS!

Much love,


For more information, please go to www.laurensboel.com

5 ways to build consistent confidence


It’s easy to be confident when things go well. It’s when things don’t go well that it’s hard to be confident. And life, in her infinite wisdom, is often hard. So the question is, how can we be confident on a consistent basis?

I’ve got 5 ways in which to grow your confidence:

  1. Ask yourself, will this matter in 5 years’ time?

This will help put into perspective the situation you are facing and make you realise that it’s not the end of the world. Think back to your first break-up, in that moment it was probably really intense and painful and your confidence took a big knock, right? But when you look back on it, was it really that bad? Asking yourself this question will put into perspective what you are facing and help you cope with it.

  1. Practise on a regular basis

Confidence comes from competence, if you’re not confident in something, it just means that you haven’t practised long enough on it. Get up, get on and try again!

  1. Build your self-belief

A belief is just an idea that has been repeated time and time again. Every belief that you have is not truth, it is just an idea that you have repeated so much it seems like it is truth. But it’s not truth! A belief is an idea. Therefore, a belief is something that can be conditioned. Something that can be created. You have to ask yourself, are the beliefs that are governing you empowering you or not? Then change the belief.

  1. Surround yourself with supportive people

You become like the people you surround yourself with. If you lie with dogs, you’ll get up with flees. Therefore, choose the people you surround yourself with because you will become like them. If the people you are around are insecure, they will bring you down to their level. Choose people who bring you up.

  1. Live with love

Be your own cheer leader!!!! Sometimes the only good thing you will hear about you, is the things you say about you! You have to be able to build yourself up. Condition yourself to be self-loving and kind to yourself.


For more information, please go to www.laurensboel.com

Much love,
